The Mindset of 100 Emotions

Natasha Nicholas
2 min readSep 30, 2020

By Natasha Boulanger

Have you ever just felt lost? No reason in particular. That is how I am feeling today. My heartbeat is irregular. My mind cannot stay focused. My tummy hurts. The universe is in an Awakening.

As I sit outside to admire the quiet. I notice the sun slowly setting in. The crickets harmonizing the night. The clouds so perfectly shaped. The Moon slowly rising.

In the still of the night I am content. The calling of humanity to take a deep breath and realize that there is more than a busy schedule. There is something better than a bad day.

The psychology of the mind can promote so many thoughts and ideas on what life should be instead of what it is. We become so manipulated by social media that we think this is how life should be, replicated by another’s mindset, but really it’s not.

We dictate so much but never follow through. And then we just assume there’s tomorrow or another day. But we don’t always get that opportunity. And then there’s the regret. Then there’s that saying “Live your life” but we don’t. We get busy. There’s work, school, family, and we end up pushing aside “Live your life”.

It always comes down to “I don’t have time”. We have 24 hours, 365 days, 56 weeks, 8760 hours in a year, but we don’t have time. The truth is we have lots of time, it’s just how you manage it.

My dad always told me. If you die you can’t take anything with you but the people will always have the memories with you. Those are the things to cherish. The people. The friends. The family. The memories.

One day we will die but all the other days are new beginnings.



Natasha Nicholas

I’m simply a small town girl who enjoys writing my observations and thoughts. I live life to the fullest and enjoy the smallest things in life ~ Beautiful Ace.